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Configure and use versioning

Docusaurus can manage multiple versions of your documentation. See the Docusaurus versioning documentation for detailed context and instructions on managing versions.

The following instructions are for documentation that uses n versions that can be accessed like so:

versioned_docs/version-1.0/hello.md1.0 (latest)/hello

Please note that unlike Read the Docs (RTD) that versions by tags on the code base, in Docusaurus, every version in history is kept in the versioned_docs folder, so the onus is on you to remove older versions when required

Docusaurus nomenclature is slightly different to what we use. In docusaurus, all actual versions are referred to by name and are sub folders in versioned_docs; and the next version is therefore called next (the next version). In Consensys we follow the same for the versioned_docs but use the term development instead, and this can be configured in docusaurus.config.js like so, where the current version is given a label and path attribute.

routeBasePath: "/",
path: "./docs",
includeCurrentVersion: true,
lastVersion: "1.0",
versions: {
//defaults to the ./docs folder
// using 'development' instead of 'next' as path
current: {
label: "development",
path: "development",
//the last stable release in the versioned_docs/version-stable
"1.0": {
label: "1.0",
"0.x": {
label: "0.x",

Release a new docs version

1. Create a new version of the documentation

In the following steps, we'll release the 1.0 version of the documentation (./docs) as an example.

npm run docusaurus docs:version <VERSION-NUMBER>

This command:

  • Copies the full docs/ directory into a new version-<VERSION-NUMBER> directory in the versioned_docs directory.
  • Creates a new versioned_sidebars/version-<VERSION-NUMBER>-sidebars.json file.
  • Appends the new version number to the versions.json file.

Your docs now have two versions:

  • 1.0 at http://localhost:3000/ for the version 1.0 docs
  • current at http://localhost:3000/next/ for the upcoming, unreleased docs.

2. Update the docusaurus.config.js file to re-label these paths

In docusaurus.config.js, under presets > classic > docs:

  • Update the lastVersion to the new version number.
  • Under versions, update the current version to the new version.

For example, when releasing version 1.0, update the following section in the docusaurus.config.js file by updating the version number:

presets: [
docs: {
sidebarPath: require.resolve("./sidebars.js"),
// Set a base path separate from default /docs
editUrl: "",
routeBasePath: "/",
path: "./docs",
includeCurrentVersion: true,
lastVersion: "1.0",
versions: {
//defaults to the ./docs folder
// using 'development' instead of 'next' as path
current: {
label: "development",
path: "development",
//the last stable release in the versioned_docs/version-1.0
"1.0": {
label: "1.0",

3. Update the versions.json file


Please remember to remove any old versions that you are not required in this file


4. Delete the previous doc versions (if needed)

If you have deleted a version in step 3, also delete the artifacts for that version. For example, if deleting version 0.2 that would mean deleting the following:

  1. In the versioned_docs directory, delete the version-0.2 folder
  2. In the versioned_sidebars directory, delete the version-0.2-sidebars.json file.

Create your pull request. You can perform a final check using the preview link generated for your PR.

5. Add a version dropdown (Do this once only when versioning is introduced)

To navigate seamlessly across versions, add a version dropdown by modifying docusaurus.config.js as follows:

module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
type: "docsVersionDropdown",

The docs version dropdown appears in your navbar:

Docs Version Dropdown

Update an existing version

You can edit versioned docs in their respective folder:

  • versioned_docs/version-1.0/ updates http://localhost:3000/docs/hello.
  • docs/ updates http://localhost:3000/docs/development/hello.